Campus Learning

Will AUACAS be conducted on campus?

Yes. Students who apply and are accepted to AUACAS’s upcoming August 2022 (fall) class will join their fellow students, as well as faculty and staff, in person on our Antigua campus.


Do I need to be tested before my flight, even if I am vaccinated?

Please refer to the latest travel advisory from Antigua & Barbuda for more information.

Do I need to be vaccinated before coming to Antigua?

All students coming to campus must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, and all students will be required to follow any related guidelines set down by the Antiguan government or AUACAS. Failure to do so will result in not being able to participate in the educational program. 

Where can I find the latest travel information and advisories about traveling to Antigua?

Procedures and regulations are subject to change. To stay up to date, please refer to the latest travel advisory from Antigua & Barbuda.

Living in Antigua

Will I be quarantined when I arrive in Antigua?

Arriving passengers who test positive for Covid-19 will be isolated as determined by the Ministry of Health Officials.

Please refer to the latest travel advisory from Antigua & Barbuda at:

At least two (2) weeks must have passed since the administration of the full vaccine dosage to be considered FULLY vaccinated.

What should I do if I start showing COVID-19 symptoms in Antigua?

If you start displaying symptoms, call the 24/7 COVID-19 hotline at Mount St. John’s Medical Centre at 268-462-6843. Medical staff answer calls at any time and can direct you to the appropriate resources. You can also contact the Aicasa Health Clinic via email at for guidance.

What if I test positive for COVID?

If we conduct a confirmatory test for COVID that is positive, we will arrange for you to get a PCR test by the Health Ministry. You will need to remain in self-quarantine until the results are back. If you are positive, we have special housing arranged for you to quarantine in and will assist with getting supplies etc. Once you are without symptoms and completed your quarantine-currently the Health Ministry requires a repeat neg PCR prior to returning to your apartment/campus.

We will get in touch with anyone you have had contact with in the 48 hours preceding the test and will follow the below CDC protocol:

COVID-19 Specific Practices 

Contact tracing will be conducted for close contacts (any individual within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more) of laboratory-confirmed or probable COVID-19 patients.

Remote communications for the purposes of case investigation and contact tracing should be prioritized; in-person communication may be considered only after remote options have been exhausted.

Testing is recommended for all close contacts of confirmed or probable COVID-19 patients. Those contacts who test positive (symptomatic or asymptomatic) should be managed as a confirmed COVID-19 case.

Asymptomatic contacts testing negative should self-quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure (i.e., close encounter with confirmed or probable COVID-19 case) Asymptomatic close contacts who are not tested should self-quarantine and be monitored for 14 days after their last exposure, with linkage to clinical care for those who develop symptoms

As you know, most people have minimal symptoms. We have all recommended OTC meds for symptoms associated with Covid and we will be in daily contact with you to see how you are feeling. Should you develop symptoms requiring more aggressive treatment, Mount St John has over 40 ventilators, IV steroids and the physicians there have successfully treated many Covid patients. We can also arrange to have you air-evacuated to the US, however that is contingent on there being a hospital in the US with open ICU beds that can accept new patients.

Am I required to be vaccinated to study on campus?

All students coming to campus will be required to be vaccinated for COVID -19. Students must follow any guidelines set down by the Antigua government, or AUACAS. Failure to do so will result in not being able to participate in the educational program.

At least two (2) weeks must have passed since the administration of the full vaccine dosage to be considered FULLY vaccinated.

Even if I am vaccinated, will any COVID-19 testing be done?

If you are completely vaccinated (2 weeks after either the 2nd dose of Moderna, AZ or Pfizer, or the 1 dose of J&J)-you do not have to be regularly tested. You will need to be tested prior to any travel outside of Antigua.

Is my COVID-19 Testing covered by the institution?

It is covered by the school insurance.

Are there any documents I need to bring for COVID-19?

Please refer to the latest travel advisory from Antigua & Barbuda for more information.

All covid updates are fluid and may change based on the virus activity.

Please check the site regularly and your emails for the most updated information.

Admission Enquiry