Tuition and Finances

Student financial services (SFS) representatives provide personalized services, including but not limited to:

  • Budgeting
  • Advisement on improving, repairing, or establishing credit
  • One-on-one credit counseling

SFS does its utmost to help students obtain funding for a quality education. Students are encouraged to pursue outside grants and scholarships. Representatives are happy to speak with both current and prospective AUACAS students.

Tuition Breakdown

  • Associate of Science in Health Sciences degreeTuition - $6,000 per semester
  • Non-degree ProgramTuition - $6,000 per semester
  • Administration Fee For all programs and all semesters - $250

Canadian Dollar exchange rate lock-in

AUA College of Arts and Science (AUACAS) will set a locked-in rate for Canadian Dollars (CAD) converted to United States Dollars (USD) to protect Canadian students from fluctuations in exchange rates.

Student Housing / Semester

Group I Description Rental Charge/Per Person/Per Semester
Single Suite (One occupant in apartment) 1-Bedroom Apt $5,700
Single Bedroom (Student has own bedroom) 2-Bedroom Apt $4,800/ $5,100
Single Suite w/spouse 2-Bedroom Apt $6,300


Group II Description Rental Charge/Per Person/Per Semester
Single Bedroom (Student has own bedroom) 2-Bedroom Apt 4,500
Single Suite (One occupant in apartment) 2-Bedroom Apt $5,100
Single Suite w/spouse 1-Bedroom Apt $5,700


Campus Housing Description Rental Charge/Per Person/Per Semester
Single Bedroom (Student has own bedroom, shared bathroom, kitchen and common room) 2-Bedroom Apt $5,700
Master Bedroom (Student has own bedroom and bathroom, shared kitchen and common room) 3-Bedroom Apt $6,300
Single Bedroom, not master bedroom (student has own bedroom, shared bathroom, shared kitchen and common room) 3-Bedroom Apt $5,700


Support Animal (SA) Description Rental Charge
Support animal Single Suite GP1 $475
Support animal Singles GP1 $425
Support animal Single Suite GP2 $425
Support animal Singles GP2 $375
Support animal Singles GP3 $325


Transportation and Parking – Antigua  Per Semester
Bus Service $450
Campus Parking Permit $100

Additional Info


Seat Deposit:
The deposit is due within 14 days of the date of your acceptance letter. To confirm your seat in the AUACAS class, submit your $500 deposit today through the application portal.

Housing Deposit:
New students are required to live in University housing for their first semester in Antigua. Housing is assigned on a first-deposited basis. Submit your $750 housing deposit now through the application portal.

**Save $250. A single payment of $1000 will satisfy both your seat deposit and your housing deposit. All Deposits will be applied toward your tuition and are non-refundable.

Health Insurance

Health Insurance Information
Health and Emergency Evacuation Premium*** $1,300
Emergency Evacuation Only Premium $100
***Students can opt out of the university provided health insurance by providing proof of privately obtained health insurance.  Email for details.  Students opting out of school health insurance will be billed a standalone emergency evacuation policy.


Housing & Housing Damages Deposit

New students are required to live in student housing for one semester and must pay a $1,000 Housing Damages Deposit (HDD). Both rent and HDD are due prior to the start of classes along with all other charges for tuition and fees per due dates specified on student tuition billing statements. The HDD will be held until the 1-semester housing obligation is met. At the end of the lease, after the student has moved out and the apartment has been inspected and appropriate damages or replacement charges have been posted, the HDD will be credited back to the student’s account.

Refund Policy

All refunds will be made within thirty (45) days of the withdrawal date. Before any refund can be initiated, a withdrawal form (click here to download a blank form) must be completed and submitted to the Associate Registrar in Antigua. If a withdrawal form is not completed, the withdrawal will be calculated from the last day a student attended classes. Tuition will be refunded according to the following schedule:

  1. Prior to the first day of class, 100% of tuition will be refunded.
  2. Official withdrawal after the start of classes – Prorated credit adjustment for tuition based on the percentage of time not attended after the official date of withdrawal. There will be no tuition credits after more than 60% of the semester has been attended. If withdrawing having attended 60% or less of the semester, the refund will be prorated based on the official withdrawal date. Only tuition and institutional fees will be prorated. All other applicable fees are nonrefundable.

Other Information

Estimated food and entertainment expenses per semester – $3,500

Required textbooks and clinical attire (lab jackets, scrubs, and patient exam kits) may be purchased through the university bookstore, or from other sources.

*Tuition and fees are subject to change.


For more information,
please email an SFS representative at
or call 1-877-666-9485.

Admission Enquiry